Family Office (SAM)

Alpha’s family office proposition- denoted by the acronym ‘SAM’-offers the following services:

  • Supervision: the firm operates as a multi-family office advising wealthy families on their financial investments and supervises their relationships with banks.
  • Allocation: data from the banks is analysed and a single, consolidated report is produced so that the client has an easy-to- read, global view of its investment assets; based on this information, the firm will offer asset allocation advice on an on-going basis*
  • Management: Alpha will manage a part of or the entire investment portfolio of the client on a discretionary basis, where required to do so. In some cases, this may involve bringing on board specialist investment managers.

Overall, the firm’s goal is to deliver high quality professional services to wealthy families and to do so in a cost-effective manner through the realisation of economies of scale.

* Empirical evidence shows that in excess of 90% of the variation in the return on investments is attributable to asset allocation and the importance of this part of the investment decision-making process cannot be over-emphasised (‘ Determinants of Portfolio Performance’ Brinson, Hood and Beebower, Financial Analysis Journal Jan/Feb 1995).